Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Oudin and Clijsters to the rescue

Melanie Oudin and Kim Clijsters have saved the 2009 US Open for the women. Without Clijsters's incredible return to form or the up-and-comer Oudin's Russian Removal Plan, this Open would be more fodder for those pointing out how out of whack the women's game is (when compared to the men's).

The female #1 (Safina) is dogged by questions about her worthiness at the top spot (with good reason). And one by one the top women have been eliminated far too early. Many of the announcers on television imply that the ranking system needs to be retooled so that Serena Williams is ranked #1. The reasoning? She has won 2 Slams this year. But the rankings should reflect the best. Serena craves the limelight above all else, and she therefore plays her best at the Slams. But she doesn't play enough otherwise. She doesn't support the tour outside of the Slams, and this frankly belittles the effort that the rest put into it. So she should not be #1. (It's not as if she is ranked low--she's #2. So relax.)

Serena rules due to the meekness of the rest of the field. Venus can bring it at times, of course. And how I miss Henin now--to a degree I did not predict. I miss her because she is one who could truly compete with others instead of fighting herself as the others (Safina) clearly do. But just look at the void of champions that is the women's field, and who could be surprised that Oudin and Clijsters would be embraced in the way they have. Clijsters has the calm demeanor of a former winner who is back because she wants to be. And that's nice to see. Oudin has the hunger and enjoyment of a new-on-the-scene 17-year-old, and it's an entertaining combination.

Serena will likely be ranked #1 a week after the US Open ends. But right now I think none of them deserve that ranking. Right now the women's field should start at #2. Because that about sums up the field. Here's to hoping Oudin and Clijsters bring it back to #1.

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